In force on 02/09/2022

ARTICLE 1 - Scope

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (known as “GTC”) govern, without restriction or reservation, any purchase of the following services offered by Mendo to non-professional customers (“the Customers or the Customer”):

Mendo Pro, a versatile software solution offered in two forms:
- AsMicrosoft Excel add-in, facilitating the learning and advanced use of Excel.
- In the form ofExtension for Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers, designed to be integrated with ChatGPT or Microsoft Copilot, aiming to enrich the user experience through direct and personalized support.

These terms and conditions are accessible at any time on the site. and will take precedence over any other document. By ordering online, the Customer declares to have read these GTC and to have accepted them by ticking the box provided for this purpose. Unless proven otherwise, the information recorded by the Mendo computer system constitutes proof of all transactions concluded with the Customer.

The contact details of the Service Provider are as follows:

Mendo, S.A.S.
Share capital of 2330.50 euros
Registered with the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register, under the number 90145217714
Chaptal Street, 92300 Levallois-Perret
telephone: +33756848319

Customs duties or other local taxes or import duties or state taxes may be payable. They will be at the expense of and are the sole responsibility of the Customer.

ARTICLE 2 - Prices

The prices of the Services offered by Mendo are communicated to the Customer according to the package selected at the time of the order. These packages are designed to meet the different needs of users, with features and services tailored to each subscription level. The Customer is informed of the price applicable to the package chosen before finalizing the order.

The payment requested from the Customer corresponds to the total amount of the package chosen, with no hidden additional costs. Mendo is committed to providing total cost transparency during the ordering process. A detailed invoice will be issued by Mendo and given to the Customer following validation of the order, reflecting the total amount paid.

Prices are expressed in Euros and are applicable only at the time of the order. Mendo reserves the right to adjust the offers and package prices according to the evolution of its catalog of services or market conditions, thus guaranteeing an offer that is always adapted to the needs of its customers.

This revision of the article ensures the flexibility and adaptability of Mendo's prices, reflecting the company's personalized approach to its customers.

ARTICLE 3 - Orders

To acquire Mendo Services, customers must initiate their request by email or following a personalized quote issued by Mendo. The validation of a quote by the customer formalizes a contract between the customer and Mendo, marking the commitment of both parties.

1. Quotation and Contract Formation : Customers interested in Mendo Pro should contact Mendo directly by email to express their interest. A personalized quote will then be prepared and sent to the customer. Acceptance of this quotation by the customer leads to the formation of a contract, subject to the agreed full payment.

2. Deploying Licenses : The Mendo Pro licenses will be deployed in close collaboration with the customer's IT teams. Mendo ensures an adapted deployment, whether for the add-in on Microsoft Excel or for the extension of Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers, according to the specific needs of the customer.

3. Payment and Validation : The contract is deemed valid as soon as the quotation is validated. However, Mendo may end it as long as the full amount specified in the quotation is not received. It is the customer's responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the order and the quote before validation and to report any errors immediately.

4. Contract Duration and Renewal : The contract is established for a minimum commitment period of 12 months which can be extended according to the terms of the accepted quote. The renewal of the contract is tacit unless the customer informs Mendo of his intention not to renew, at least 3 months before the end of the current renewal period. The customer must do this by registered mail.

5. DRight of Cancellation and Refusal : Mendo reserves the right to cancel or refuse any order from a customer with whom there is a dispute relating to the payment of a previous order.

ARTICLE 4 - Payment terms

Payment for Mendo Services is due by the Customer according to the terms set out in the personalized quote. After the acceptance of the quotation, payment must be made in full within 30 days by bank transfer. A corresponding invoice will be issued by Mendo and sent to the Customer following payment.

ARTICLE 5 - Provision of Services

5.1. Software handover
5.1.1 Setup: Mendo is made available to the Licensee mainly in the form of an installation link for the extension on Chrome or Microsoft Edge or as a download link. Responsibility for the deployment of Mendo lies with the Licensee, unless specific arrangements are agreed by the parties.

5.1.2 Computing environment: The technical requirements for using Mendo, including specific browser versions and installation and navigation capabilities, will be communicated to the Licensee. Respecting these requirements is essential for the proper use of Mendo. Services for adapting the IT environment may be offered by Mendo according to the specific needs of the Licensee.

5.1.3 Activating Mendo: The software is activated when users log in for the first time. Each connection consumes a license purchased by the company.5.2. Dissemination of Mendo to third partiesRedistribution or provision of Mendo, including the installation link and identifiers, to unauthorized third parties is prohibited without the express consent of Mendo.5.3. Parameterization

5.3.1 Parameterization process: The steps and costs associated with setting up Mendo, adapted to the specific needs of the Licensee, will be defined in the quotation.

5.2 Parameter Adjustments: Any adjustment requested by the Licensee after the initial configuration phase may result in additional costs, depending on the nature of the request and the rates in force.

The provision and activation of Mendo are designed to be simple and effective, ensuring an optimal user experience. Mendo is committed to providing the information and assistance necessary to facilitate the installation, activation and configuration of the software, adapting its services to the requirements and specific environment of each Licensee.

ARTICLE 6 - Responsibility

6.1 Responsibility
The Publisher is expressly subject to an obligation of means. The total liability of the Publisher will in no case exceed, in total, the amount of royalties paid for Mendo or the services that caused the damage. The formulas generated by Mendo are not guaranteed and cannot be considered as the origin of damage. Users agree to check the formulas generated by Mendo when they decide to use them. Mendo does not guarantee results from the use of its training or consulting services.

6.2 “Indirect” damages
The Publisher will not incur any liability for indirect damages, as well as for the following damages: business interruption, loss of profits, loss of income, loss of data, loss of customers or costs related to obtaining replacement goods or services, regardless of the basis of the liability and the form of legal action on the basis of which such damages are claimed, whether or not the Publisher was informed of the eventuality. or of the occurrence of such damage.

6.3 Licensee Responsibilities
The Licensee jointly assumes the risks associated with the use of Mendo. The Licensee undertakes to provide its staff with the training necessary for the correct use and operation of Mendo.

ARTICLE 7 - Personal data

The Customer is informed that the collection of his personal data is necessary for the sale of the Services and their realization and delivery, entrusted to the Service Provider. This personal data is collected for the execution of the contract as well as to ensure the continuous improvement of the Service.

Personal data is reserved for the sole use of the Service Provider and its employees. The data controller is the Service Provider, within the meaning of the Data Protection Act and as of May 25, 2018 of Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of personal data.

7.1 Collection of personal data
The data collected is classified as follows:

Confidentielles :
- Informations destinées à être utilisées uniquement par des personnes spécifiques en fonction du besoin d'en connaître.
- Informations protégées par la loi, une obligation contractuelle ou une politique.
- Informations susceptibles d'avoir des répercussions négatives graves sur la réputation, les ressources, les services ou les personnes de Mendo si elles sont divulguées.

Internes : 
- Informations destinées à l'usage exclusif de Mendo.
- Informations non publiques qui n'atteignent pas le degré de sensibilité de Confidentiel.
- Informations dont la divulgation pourrait avoir des répercussions négatives modérées sur la réputation, les ressources, les services ou les personnes de Mendo.

Publiques :
- Informations destinées à être mises à la disposition du public.
- Informations présentant un risque faible ou nul pour la réputation, les ressources, les services ou les individus de Mendo en cas de divulgation.

Données collectées

Lorsque vous vous abonnez à nos services, les données suivantes sont collectées et gérées.

Élément de données

Confidentiels :
- Jeton d’accès au compte 

Internes :
- Profil de l’utilisateur : leçons commencées et complétées, réponses aux questionnaires, suggestions obtenues/aimées/votées/bloquées, langue d’affichage
- Usage d’Excel de l’utilisateur :  liste qualitative des fonctionnalités que l’utilisateur utilise sans jamais contenir de données chiffrées ou lettrés pouvant indiquer le contenu du classeur ; statistiques sur l’utilisation d’Excel : temps passé sur Excel et horaires d’utilisation
- Usage de Mendo de l’utilisateur : statistiques individuelles sur l’utilisation de Mendo

Public :
- Statistiques anonymes agrégées sur tous les utilisateurs (leçons les plus consultées, suggestions les plus appréciées)

Les données soumises ne doivent pas inclure de données personnelles sensibles, telles que les identifiants gouvernementaux (c'est-à-dire les numéros de sécurité sociale, de permis de conduire ou d'identification des contribuables), les numéros complets de cartes de crédit ou de cartes bancaires personnelles, les dossiers médicaux ou les détails liés aux demandes de soins ou de traitements associés à des personnes privées.

7.2. Traitement des données
Le texte ci-dessous résume les exigences relatives au traitement des informations en fonction de leur classification. Les informations relevant de plusieurs classifications doivent toujours être traitées avec la classification applicable la plus élevée (par exemple, les informations publiques qui sont stockées ou transmises avec des informations confidentielles peuvent être cryptées afin de simplifier l'utilisation de solutions de cryptage).


Non partagé avec des tiers.
- Les informations relatives aux clients ne sont jamais incluses dans les rapports, quelles que soient les données qui les accompagnent.

Documents, feuilles de calcul, présentations et fichiers texte portant la mention "confidentiel".
- Tous les documents papier portant la mention "confidentiel".

Documents papier
Imprimés uniquement en cas de besoin professionnel légitime et en l'absence d'alternative raisonnable, avec l'approbation de la direction. 
- Stockés dans une armoire verrouillée 
- Déposés dans un bac de destruction pour être déchiquetés immédiatement après usage.

Fichiers électroniques
Collectés ou stockés lorsqu'il existe un besoin professionnel légitime et qu'il n'y a pas d'autre solution raisonnable, avec l'accord de la direction.
- Stockés et transmis sous forme cryptée 
- Effacés des supports électroniques immédiatement après usage


Redistribution à quiconque au sein de Mendo

Pas d'étiquetage

Document papier
Imprimés uniquement en cas de besoin professionnel légitime et en l'absence d'alternative raisonnable. 
- Stockés dans une armoire verrouillée
- Placés dans un bac de destruction pour être déchiquetés immédiatement après utilisation

Fichiers électroniques
Stockés et transmis en texte clair sur les systèmes de l'entreprise Mendo.
- Supprimés ou effacés des supports électroniques immédiatement après usage.

Partagé avec toute personne interne ou externe à Mendo.


Paper documents
Recycled conventionally when no longer needed

Electronic files
Stored and transmitted in plain text
- Deleted or erased from electronic media immediately after use

7.3. Purposes of processing and legal basis

Your personal data is processed for one or more of the following purposes. Each purpose is associated with a legal basis, the list of which can be found below.

Based on our legitimate interest in offering you a safe, optimal, optimal, effective and personalized experience, we carry out processing for the following purposes:

- Resolve potential problems and improve the use of our sites and services;
- To personalize, evaluate and improve our services, content and materials;
- Analyze the volume and history of your use of our services;
- To inform you about our services as well as about the services and/or promotional offers of our partners.

Based on the execution of a contract to which you are a party, we carry out processing for the following purposes:

- To provide our services;
- Facilitate execution, including verifications concerning you.

Based on your consent or your legitimate interest, we carry out processing for the following purposes:

- Sign up for our newsletters, use case studies and marketing materials.
- Based on compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations, we carry out processing for the following purposes:
- Prevent, detect and investigate any activity that is potentially prohibited, illegal, illegal, contrary to best practices and ensure compliance with our terms of use and our shipping policy.

We use personal data submitted to us only in accordance with applicable data protection legislation.

7.4 Limitation of treatment

Unless the Customer expresses his express agreement, his personal data is not used for advertising or marketing purposes.

7.5 Data retention period

The Service Provider will keep the data thus collected for a period of 5 years, covering the time of the prescription of the applicable contractual civil liability.

7.6 Security and Confidentiality

The Service Provider implements organizational, technical, software and physical digital security measures to protect personal data against alteration, destruction and unauthorized access. However, it should be noted that the Internet is not a completely secure environment and the Service Provider cannot guarantee the security of the transmission or storage of information on the Internet.

7.7 Implementation of the rights of Customers and users

In application of the regulations applicable to personal data, Customers and users of the site have the following rights:
- They can update or delete the data that concerns them in the following way by deleting their account and sending an email to
- They can delete their account by writing to the email address indicated in article 9.3 “Data Controller”
- They can exercise their right of access to know the personal data concerning them by writing to the address indicated in article 9.3 “Data Controller”
- If the personal data held by the Service Provider is inaccurate, they may request that the information and information be updated by writing to the address indicated in article 9.3 “Data Controller”
- They may request the deletion of their personal data, in accordance with applicable data protection laws, by writing to the address indicated in article 9.3 “Data Controller”
- They may also request the portability of data held by the Service Provider to another service provider
- Finally, they can oppose the processing of their data by the Service Provider

These rights, provided they do not conflict with the purpose of the processing, may be exercised by sending a request by post or email to the Data Controller whose contact details are indicated above.The data controller must provide a response within a maximum of one month.In case of refusal to comply with the Customer's request, the Customer must be reasoned. The Customer is informed that in case of refusal, he may file a complaint with of the CNIL (3 place de Fontenoy, 75007 PARIS) or refer the matter to a judicial authority.The Customer may be invited to check a box in which he agrees to receive informative and advertising emails from the Service Provider. He will always be able to withdraw his agreement at any time by contacting the Service Provider (contact details above) or by following the unsubscribe link.

ARTICLE 8 - Intellectual property

The content of the site is the property of the Seller and its partners and is protected by French and international laws relating to intellectual property. Any total or partial reproduction of this content is strictly prohibited and is likely to constitute an offense of counterfeiting.

ARTICLE 9 - Applicable law - Language

These GCS and the resulting transactions are governed by and subject to French law. These GCS are written in French. In the event that they are translated into one or more foreign languages, only the French text would be authentic in the event of a dispute.

ARTICLE 10 - Disputes

For any complaint, please contact customer service at the postal or email address of the Service Provider indicated in ARTICLE 1 of these GTC.The Customer is informed that he may in any case use conventional mediation, with existing sectoral mediation bodies or to any alternative method of dispute resolution (conciliation, for example) in the event of a dispute. In this case, the appointed mediator:

Is Justice City 113
Rue de la République 13002 Marseille

The Customer is also informed that he may also use the Online Dispute Resolution (RLL) platform: disputes to which the purchase and sale transactions concluded in application of these GCS and which have not been the subject of an amicable settlement between the seller or by mediation, will be submitted to the competent courts under the conditions of common law.


Withdrawal form
Date ______________________

This form must be completed and returned only if the Customer wishes to withdraw from the order placed on except for exclusions or limits to the exercise of the right of withdrawal according to the applicable General Conditions of Sale.
For the attention of SAS, Mendo
3 Avenue Bernard Hirsch, ESSEC Ventures, 95000 Cergy
I hereby notify the withdrawal of the contract relating to the order of the following service:
- Order from (indicate date)
- Order number:...
- Customer name:...
- Customer address:...

Signature of the Customer (only in case of notification of this form on paper)