Mendo support

How do I install Mendo?

To install Mendo, you need to go to the download page. Once the file is downloaded, launch the program and follow the instructions. If Microsoft Excel was open, you need to close and relaunch it. Mendo will open automatically when you start up. To use Mendo you need to create an account.

What version of Office is Mendo compatible with?

Mendo is only available for Windows at this time. It requires at least 6GB of RAM on the computer. It is also compatible with the Office 365 version. Versions prior to Office 2019 don't allow suggestions to work fully. Using Mendo on these versions does not guarantee an optimal user experience.

Mendo is under development for macOS, you can get on the waiting list to be notified of its release.

Is the supplement secure?

Mendo is an Office add-in under development for Excel. It is natively integrated into Excel.Mendo deploys easily and safely, and is installed directly into the workbooks of all teams. The add-in is only available on Windows. In case of difficulty, use the chat, or use our contact form.

Is Mendo detecting my mistakes?

Yes, Mendo detects explicit errors (Excel error, for example #####, #NAME? , #REF,...) and implicit errors (broken formula or null result due to an oversight, offset range due to an insertion, etc.). For more information, see the answer “What are the types of suggestions?”

How long should I be involved with Mendo

The minimum commitment period is 12 months. Two payment plans are offered to you, the monthly payment over 12 months or the annual payment.

What data does Mendo use?

Mendo uses your email to identify you. For suggestions, Mendo reads the workbook data (format, value, formula) to decide what should be offered to you. However, Mendo does not save this data. None of this data is sent to the server and none leaves your computer. Once loaded into Excel, Mendo works as an independent program that only communicates to the server to verify the identity of the user and download the content of the lessons. For lessons, Mendo only records your progress (i.e. the lessons you have validated).

How is my data used?

Mendo does not use your data for marketing or commercial purposes. The supplement is a professional corporate training solution, which is why your data is protected and forgotten at every suggestion. Only your profile data is saved to keep your progress: your preferences (hidden suggestions and preferred language) and identifiers of completed lessons.

What data is stored and why?

Only your profile data is saved to keep your progress: your preferences (hidden suggestions and preferred language) and identifiers of completed lessons. No data in the workbook is saved. Mendo forgets the data in the workbook immediately after a suggestion and when it is closed, in order to protect the confidentiality of your data. During a suggestion, the data in your workbook is put into temporary memory (program RAM, “RAM”).

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