
Why You Should Take Professional Training in 2022

Do you want to boost your career? Discover why training is the perfect way to distinguish yourself from other candidates.
Rédigé par
Quentin Amaudry
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Do you want to boost your professional career? Do you want to have other professional experiences? Vocational training is the perfect way to distinguish yourself from other candidates. There are some that are very accessible and adapted to all audiences and profiles and will allow you to take your career to the next level. Employers will be happy that they don't have to invest money in training you.

The world of work is changing

The coronavirus pandemic has caused a surge in technological advances in almost all sectors. With this rapid technological development, the world of work now requires a new dynamism. Don't take the risk of seeing your hard-earned skills suddenly become useless. Take stock of the challenges and follow professional training.

The market is in full evolution and the changes are being felt even in the recruitment processes. The ideal employee is no longer that professional who preserves methods and adheres to traditions. Rather, it is the one capable of living up to the current market that requires flexibility, speed, adaptability and versatility.

For those who are tempted to put off until tomorrow, here are a few reasons why you urgently need Excel training 😉

The benefits to be derived from vocational training

A lot has changed in the job market. To secure your job or get a promotion, you need an advantage over the rest of the candidates. And this advantage is mainly obtained through professional training.

Updating your skills according to the needs of the job market

If you have a degree that is several years old, chances are you are already out of step with the realities of the current world of work.

How can you maintain and sustainably develop your employability?

By building professional added value on a field of skills that is as broad as possible while having specialties.

For example, in each sector, there is this essential software: Microsoft Excel. But while almost all businesses use Excel on their computer, very few know how to use it effectively. The majority only master the basic functionalities and are unaware of the infinity of solutions it offers.

However, Excel is one of the most used software in business. It is used on a daily basis in more than 85% of French companies to:

  • Design and manage databases;
  • Create automated spreadsheets;
  • Manage accounting, produce financial statements and monitor cash flow;
  • Create and follow up automated quotes and invoices;
  • Create dynamic tables and sorting tables;
  • Perform statistical and financial analyses, etc.;
  • Present report results in graphical form;

Regardless of your initial education and regardless of the position you hold, mastering important software, like Excel, will make you much more competitive and more useful than other candidates. And that can be decisive.

Any recruiter prefers to hire employees who have advanced mastery of the tools and methods specific to their sector. You will succeed both in meeting the demands of the world of work and in remaining steadfast in the face of the wind that is blowing on jobs and creating serial unemployed people.

You are offering yourself a chance to develop in your career: promotions

Are you looking for a higher position? You need superior skills. Look for specific skills, knowledge, and requirements related to the desired position. Then, embark on professional training to expand your resume accordingly.

Remember, vocational training will be a springboard to gain new skills and be more useful to your employer. It is true that sometimes the Excel software will not seem specifically linked to your desired computer. However, you will discover that in reality, its advanced features are useful in all sectors.

By taking your development into your own hands in this way, you become an actor in your professional career. Your employer will be happy not to have to invest in training you and will thus be able to more easily entrust you with greater responsibilities.

To increase the chances of a successful professional retraining

Do you want to change jobs? Do you no longer feel at home in your current job?

You can start another job! But, This Radical Professional Leap Will Only Succeed Under One Condition. You need to take stock and identify the skills required by your new job.

Indeed, professional training will be a guarantee of crucial skills to convince your recruiters. Even if you aim for a higher position in the same company, appropriate vocational training will contribute to a better valuation of your assets, your skills and your professional experience.

To boost self-confidence

Professional training is often a source of pleasure, development and personal motivation. They inject new energy and increase self-confidence. This is why some companies provide training to their staff from time to time.

They make it possible to better understand certain aspects of the work that we sometimes do almost automatically. And when you develop a better knowledge of your job, you approach it more calmly and with more passion.

So, if you feel less and less motivated by your work, it may be because the time has come for professional development training.

Do not delay any longer. Whether you want to rise through the ranks, experience a career change, or just become more effective. Professional training adapted to your needs is a good way to get started!

L'explication vidéo

Aidez vos équipes à assurer sur Excel !

Excel est un assistant virtuel qui accompagne vos collaborateurs pendant qu'il travaille et leur permet d'être plus productifs et d'éviter les érreurs

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